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news Episode 38

Signals in JS, RSCs in Storybook 8, and Bun Hits Windows in v1.1

🌟 Exciting news for JavaScript devs! TC39 considers adding signals to the native JS ecosystem, StoryBook 8 has experimental support for RSCs, and JS runtime Bun v1.1 is now compatible with Windows 🍞.

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Signals have been around in the JavaScript world as early as 2010 when Knockout.js first introduced them, but the past few years they’ve been picking up steam among JS frameworks as a way to effectively manage application state so that developers can focus on the business logic parts of their apps. Now there’s a proposal to make Signals part of the native JavaScript ecosystem, and it’s being backed by some well-known frameworks like Angular, Svelte, Vue, and more. Storybook 8 has introduced experimental support for React Server Components. It is noted that server side actions are still only available in Next.js, but it’s great to see RSCs continuing to gain more traction in the world. Bun reached v1.1 recently, and while this isn’t usually a big milestone, for Bun it is, because it now supports Windows (and boasts impressive speeds for performance test metrics we’ve come to expect from JS runtimes) and offers a slew of improved Node.js compatibilities. As Bun says itself, it aims to be a drop-in replacement for Node, and if it keeps adding features, support, and speed gains like this, it very well might win that battle. Finally, the discussion wraps up with some smaller news stories like Angular and Wiz officially announcing they’ll become one, a lesser known Redux hook that can stand in for complicated useEffect calls, and a crazy, years-long Linux hack that almost made it into the major Linux distributions before it was caught.
